Last comic of 2013!
Reflecting on 2013, it's been a hell of a year. We traveled back to 1999 and saw the gang adventure through high school, Big Shot Streaming officially opened, we vacationed in Stannum and East Corners had it's first Art Stroll.
And of course, in real life, I moved to doing the comics digitally, we beat the 100+ comics per year mark, I was a guest on Opinions May Vary, and overall I got to write and draw and hangout with a lot of my favorite artists and people.
What does 2014 hold?
Focus on my Patreon site and merchandise, working on getting a bunch of new story lines, including possibly heading back to 1999 or perhaps revisiting Nox and co. during their years at East Corners Community College, and of course, become more involved in the local art community around the area.
Enjoy your yearly rollover, and I will see you bitches in 2014!